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Health Benefits of Chutneys and Pickles

How are Chutneys and Pickles different?

Posted on: March 11th, 2022 05:22 PM

Pickle and chutney, both are the perfect condiments to enhance the taste of the meal. Their spicy and savoury flavour can turn even a bland dish into an appetizing one. For ages, the lip-smacking flavours of both the condiments have blended in Indian cuisine so nicely that now, almost every Indian dish is incomplete without their presence. Though their relishing flavours are equally popular, have you ever wondered what’s the difference between chutney and pickle?

Chutney, a sweet and spicy condiment, has its roots in India. It is made by cutting fresh fruits and vegetables into small pieces and has a smooth consistency. Mostly, all the chutneys are free from preservatives and comparatively have a shorter shelf life. 

Pickles on the other hand are made of sun-dried fruits and vegetables. Ingredients used in them can be cut into larger pieces, can be grated or even used as a whole to make flavoursome pickles. Preservatives are added to give them a longer shelf life. Like chutneys, they don’t have a smooth texture.

Both the delicacies are made with different processes and also vary in texture and consistency. The benefits of chutney and pickle are the determinants of what is a better choice between the two.

Benefits of Chutneys:

Along with adding a delicious taste to breakfast and meals, chutneys also offer several benefits that can keep you healthy.

  • Packed with antioxidants: Chutneys are made with a variety of fresh spices, fruit and vegetables. These all ingredients are super-rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, that can defend body cells from free radicals. 
  • High in Vitamins: A few chutneys like date and tamarind chutney and mango chutney are loaded with many essential vitamins like A, C, E and B vitamins. High vitamin content makes these chutneys natural immunity boosters. 
  • Healthy bones: A satisfactory quantity of calcium, assorted minerals, iron and other micronutrients present in chutneys promote bone formation and protect them from any damage. Dry fruit and mango chutney is an example of chutneys that have a cardio-protective effect on your body.

Benefits of Pickles

The delectable taste of pickles can easily tickle your taste buds. Let’s have a look at how mouth-watering pickles are advantageous for you.

  • Rich in antioxidants: Just like chutneys, pickles too have excellent antioxidant content. As they are made with the goodness of veggies, fruits and other natural ingredients, they give a tough defeat to the free radicals harming our cells.
  • Improves digestion: Naturally, fermented salt pickles help in proliferating the growth of friendly bacteria which enhances your digestive health and cures several stomach related problems. Pickles made with Amla or Indian gooseberry are considered very effective for improving the functions of the stomach. A mixed pickle can be a smart pick for reaping the full benefits of different fruits and vegetables.
  • Relieves muscular cramps: Due to high vinegar or salt content, pickles help in reducing muscular pain. They might provide faster relief than water in soothing cramps after a heavy workout. 
  • May control blood sugar: Vinegar present in pickles as a preservative helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Controlled blood sugar levels reduce unnecessary cravings for food. Consuming pickles at mealtime can regulate the sugar levels in the blood and thus, is very critical for diabetics.

Summing it up.
Both chutneys and pickles can give a delicious kick to the meal with their addition. These condiments are made with a rich blend of beneficial ingredients and for that reason, they aid in enhancing overall health.

The battle regarding what’s better between these two is more about one’s choice of flavour and texture. But the fact is pickle and chutney, both are the wonders of the culinary world.


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