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Types of Seasoning and Its Benefits

Why is seasoning powder an essential requirement for delicious food?

Posted on: August 23rd, 2021 01:35 PM

Food without the touch of spices is incomplete and boring. After all, ‘The key to a good meal is simplicity and the right seasoning.’ Seasoning means adding salt, spices, oils, herbs and acids like lemon juice to enhance the flavour and aroma of food. Adding spices and herbs for seasoning lifts the meal up and gives a tasty punch to your meal. Seasoning either can be added at the beginning of your meal preparation or at the end. The presence of seasoning ingredients also adds that extra zing to your food. It can be done through fresh and dry ingredients as the main goal of organic seasoning is to heighten the taste of the food.

But there are numerous spices, herbs, and other seasoning constituents. Adding each one individually is practically a tedious task. So, powders are made with the blend of various seasoning ingredients to elevate the taste of food and also of specific cuisines. There are many adulterated seasoning powders available in the market and you must keep this in mind while purchasing. To rely on the authenticity of constituents used in its making, you should opt for organic seasoning powders to reap its full benefits. Some famous seasoning powders for making mouth-watering dishes are Italian seasoning, Mexican seasoning, and Salad seasoning. Now, let’s have a look at what makes these famous throughout the world.

  • Organic Italian Seasoning:

Italian seasoning is a versatile seasoning that makes an amazing addition to your kitchen. It is an aromatic and all-purpose seasoning that is used in many dishes. It is made by perfectly combining Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, Marjoram, Thyme, and sage. In India, for giving it some more flavour many times garlic, onion, chilli, and black pepper are also added. Italian seasoning is a balanced blend of spices and herbs, which is used in almost every Italian dish. It can be sprinkled on pizza and soups. Can be mixed with pasta while cooking.

  • Organic Mexican Seasoning:

Sweet and Spicy Mexican cuisine is very delicious. Mexican seasoning is a delicious mixture of Garlic, Pepper, Oregano, Cumin seeds, and chilli. It has an earthy aroma and a mildly spicy flavour. It is used in popular dishes like tacos, nachos, Mexican rice and many others. Its addition can give an authentic taste to your Mexican favourites.

  • Organic Salad Seasoning:

A salad bowl is a storehouse of every healthy nutrient, especially for vegetarians. But hardly anyone likes eating the bowl full of plain veggies. Mixing healthy vegetables with spices and herbs of salad seasoning makes it appetizing. Packed with black peppers, lemon powder, mustards, onion, garlic, and salt gives a boring yet healthy salad a mouth-watering taste.

Benefits of seasoning:

Seasoning doesn’t only impart a healthy taste to the food but also fills it with health benefits:

  • Spices and herbs used in seasonings like oregano and cumin are excellent antioxidants and are very easy to add to your diet.
  • It is a proven fact that some spices like sage can improve brain and memory function, especially in individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Oregano, the celebrated herb in the seasoning world, possesses many healthy properties. It improves bone health, energy levels, and digestion, manages diabetes, is a natural painkiller, and also has anti-cancer properties. 
  • Basil, one of the chief ingredients in various seasoning powders, helps in boosting immunity and inhibits the growth of bacteria and yeasts.
  • Inflammatory properties Rosmarinic acid suppresses the allergy symptoms and also reduces nasal infection.
  • Garlic has varied health benefits. It efficiently combats sickness, reduces bad cholesterol and blood pressure, improves heart health and is beneficial in many ways.
  • Black pepper aids in weight loss, increases metabolism, and treats various skin problems.
  • Seasoning spices provides relief in allergies, prevents asthma and many respiratory issues.

Summing it up:
Adding Seasoning powder is a simple way to make your food palatable. You can have an amazing flavour of seasoning powder at the convenience of your home by buying it online. From elevating taste, aroma, and flavour to offering a plethora of health benefits, seasoning powder covers it all. And so, it’s your food’s best friend.


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