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Anti-dandruff Ayurvedic Oil

What is a natural way to treat dandruff? Know more about Anti-dandruff Ayurvedic oil that serves its purpose

Posted on: May 18th, 2021 07:44 AM

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems and yet the most embarrassing one. When your scalp starts to feel itchy and small white flakes start to appear on your scalp and over to your shoulders, that’s when you know you have dandruff. Dandruff not only makes your scalp itchy and flaky but also hampers the quality of your hair, making it dull and dry.

Some of the most common causes of dandruff are:- 

Oily Scalp:
 When you have an oily scalp, it accumulates dirt and makes your hair feel greasy and itchy. If you don’t shampoo enough, it causes skin cells to accumulate and cause dandruff. 

- Excessive chemical products: Using excessive products strip your hair from its natural oils. To cope up with it the scalp produces excess oil which makes your scalp skin build-up and shed dead cells in the form of dandruff. 

- Hormonal changes: People often go through hormonal changes during the time of puberty. Dandruff can be one of the signs of the puberty process too when your body starts changing. Dandruff is mostly found in young adults, so puberty may play a role. 

Humidity: Humid environment causes you to sweat. Your whole body goes through sweating, even your scalp. A sweaty scalp attracts dirt and makes the scalp itchy. An irritated scalp leads to dandruff.

Yeast overgrowth: There is a fungus named Malassezia that normally resides on the scalp of every person. It normally stays on without causing any problems. However, some people may get sensitive to this fungus which causes dandruff. 

Anti-dandruff Ayurvedic hair oil 

One of the best cures for dandruff is treating it with Ayurvedic oil. Chemical products that claim to help with dandruff make your hair dry and lifeless. You need something that treats dandruff and also brings back the quality of your hair. Dandruff causes your hair to look dull and dry and hence the treatment should also include benefits that make your hair shiny and strong. 

Refresh Ayurvedic oil consists of 10 herbal oils that improve every scalp problem and condition to treat dandruff. These oils are natural, herbal and extremely nutritious. They provide nourishment to the scalp and treat the root cause of dandruff. The herbal oils are namely:- 

Anans pan, Tukmariya pan, Limbodi, Timbaru, Kevda phool: The first five herbal oils control dandruff effectively and hydrate the scalp. The oils are very beneficial to the health of the hair and along with dandruff they cure overall hair woes and provide smooth and shiny hair. 

Parijatak, Safed Nasotar, Devdar, piperchhal, Shudhdha gandha: The other five herbal oils prevent dandruff and nourish the scalp. These oils treat scalp problems so that dandruff does not occur again. The oils help to clean the scalp while retaining their moisture at the same time. 

Benefits of Anti-dandruff Ayurvedic hair oil

Now that we know what Anti-dandruff Ayurvedic Oil consists of, let’s explore the benefits it provides. Ayurvedic hair oil treats specific problems like dandruff and at the same time provides overall benefits to the hair as well. Some of the most known benefits are:

Natural and herbal: Ayurvedic oils are made from natural herb oils. These herbs have medicinal value and provide innumerable benefits to both body and hair. History is evidence that the reason behind the long and strong hair of our ancestors were these herbs. They damage hair in no way unlike the chemicals products and help the hair to regain its health from the damaged state.

Prevents Recurrence: Dandruff is quite stubborn. No matter what professional products you use or hair treatment you go through, it keeps coming back. Ayurvedic hair oil treats the root cause of dandruff and prevents it from coming back. The oil deeply nourishes the roots and strengthens to fight away the symptoms of dandruff.

Cures Scalp itching: Dandruff also causes an itchy and flaky scalp. One feels irritated and helpless with a flaky and itchy scalp. It not only makes your scalp uncomfortable but sometimes too much scratching can cause your scalp to bleed. The itchy scalp also deteriorates the quality of the hair, making it look dull and damaged. Ayurvedic hair oil soothes the scalp and nourishes it to prevent itching and flakiness. 

Fights Head lice: Dandruff and head lice are two main hair problems that are very embarrassing to deal with. Head lice are not only a major hair issue but also a hygiene problem. Head lice are contagious so one should treat them immediately with caution. Ayurvedic hair oil can treat head lice naturally without any chemical products. A hot champi of Ayurvedic oil and a lice comb can remove all the lice.

Reduces hair fall: Dandruff is a symptom of damaged hair. It makes the scalp itchy and flaky that shows the scalp is unhealthy and needs nourishment. Dandruff also results in hair fall because it makes the hair weak. Ayurvedic hair oil not only fights dandruff but also nourishes the scalp making the hair stronger and reducing hair fall.

Provides a healthy scalp: A healthy scalp is very essential for retaining healthy hair. If dandruff keeps on recurring then it means your scalp isn’t healthy. Ayurvedic hair oil not only treats dandruff but also solves other scalp problems. The oil deeply nourishes the scalp and moisturizes the roots. The herbal oils are an effective solution to get a healthy scalp. 

Summing it up 
If you are still using chemical products to treat dandruff but instead it is making your hair dry and dull, then you need to switch your treatment to Ayurvedic oils. Refresh Anti-dandruff hair oil consists of 10 herbal oils that treat dandruff and nourish your hair. You can now buy Anti-dandruff hair oil online along with other Ayurvedic products only at Refresh. 


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