Natural Holi Colors

Why should you pick natural holi colours over synthetic ones?

February 22nd, 2022

Holi is the festival of colours. It is one of the most loved festivals celebrated in India. On holi, it's a tradition to wish friends and family by applying vibrant and attractive colours on them. Everyone from children to elderly people, enjoys this festival.

The famous quote “Bura na mano holi hai” implies that all playful mischief is allowed in holi. Hence, even though many people get irritated by the chemical colours applied to their skin and hair, they don’t say anything. 

Nowadays, synthetic colours are used to play holi. These colours are made from harmful substances like acid, glass powder, industrial dye, copper sulphate, lead oxide etc.

These toxic substances are harmful to the skin, cause eye pain, degrade hair quality, and can also cause health complications.

There’s a need for change in the trend. Toxic colours should be banned as they are harmful. Instead of them, only natural colours should be used.

Why should you use natural holi colours?

We all have treasured memories of celebrating holi as kids. Of course, at that time, we didn’t care about the quality of the colours we played with. All of us mostly used the loose colour packets to play holi. We use to boost about our skin being stained for days but we didn’t realise about the harm these colours brought.

Now there’s enough awareness about the dangerous effects of these chemical colours. Today, as adults we want to choose better for ourselves and also for the future generation that will follow our lead. 

One can also keep up the tradition of playing holi with their friends and family by using natural colours. Natural colours for holi do not contain any toxic substance, artificial colour or chemical. Natural colours contain ingredients that are grown naturally.

Why natural Holi colours are better than synthetic colours?

Made with natural ingredients: Natural Holi colours are made with naturally grown ingredients like turmeric, beetroot, corn starch, dried rose petals, hibiscus etc. 

  • Environment friendly: Chemical colours not only harm humans but also the environment. They degrade the quality of land and water. These colours are even harmful to aquatic animals. 
  • Non-toxic in nature: These colours are 100% natural. No chemical, artificial colour or toxic substance is added to them. These colours are natural and high-quality. 
  • Skin-friendly: Herbal colours are made up of naturally grown ingredients, so they do not harm your skin in any way. These colours even get washed easily which helps to make your skin clear again in no time.
  • Suitable for everyone: Chemicals and artificial colours trigger itching, allergic reaction and skin inflammation. Since natural colours are completely herbal, they are suitable for everyone.

What are natural holi colours made of?

The difference between chemical and natural holi colours lies in their formation. Otherwise, they look similar. You may feel the difference in their texture if you examine them closely. Natural colours have a smoother texture compared to chemical colours. Before buying natural holi colours, it is important to know how these colours are made. Let’s pick three of the most popular colours used in holi and see how they can be made naturally. 

  1. Pink: The light pink colour is one of the common colours used in holi celebration. To make it natural, corn starch, beetroot and dried rose petals are used.  
  2. Yellow: Yellow is another one of the favourite colours used in holi. To make it natural, corn starch, turmeric and dried lemon peels are used. 
  3. Green: Green colour is a vibrant and lively colour choice for holi celebrations. To make it natural, corn starch, betel leaf and bathua leaves are used.

Summing it up 
It is important to look for branded holi colours with standardised packaging when you are in search for them. The brand, labelling and ingredient list assure you that they are indeed natural holi colours.

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