Refresh organic flax seeds have a mellow, nutty flavor like wheat germ, and are regularly added to grains, flapjacks, biscuits, breads, meatloaf, meatballs, and even yogurt. Flax seeds offer unsaturated fats and is a magnificent wellspring of fiber.
1) High in Omega 3 fatty acids
Flax seeds contain 42% fat, i.e.10 grams of Flax Seeds provide 4.3 grams of fat.
This fat content is composed of:
- 73% polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-6 fatty acids and the omega-3 fatty acids particularly, Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
- 27% monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are called “essential fatty acid” as the human body is incapable of producing them. They have to be acquired from the diet we intake, for normal growth and development.
Omega-3 fatty acids posses many benefits including anti-inflammatory properties and normalizing heartbeat. Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduce the rate of heart attack, strokes, abnormal heart rhythms and regulates your cholesterol.
High source of omega-3 in Flax Seeds helps to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol, slows the development of plaque in arteries and lessens the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease. Many studies have shown that deficiency in this type omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) can result in brain deformities. This type of fat is said to condition the visual and cerebral abilities.
Flax seeds actually have a pretty healthy Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio, especially when compared to other seeds and nuts. Due to high content of omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds have a lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than many other oil seeds. A lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to a lower risk of various chronic diseases.
2) Rich source of Lignans
Lignans are compounds that are mainly found in plant based food i.e. seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Flax Seeds are source to highest level of naturally occurring lignans.
Many studies suggest that Flax seeds may play an important role in fighting cancers—especially of the hormone-sensitive variety. This is due to lignans present in the Flax Seeds that have anti-carcinogenic properties. It helps to slow the growth of tumor cells. Lignans also block those enzymes that can be involved in hormone metabolism.
The lignans convert into two substances in the gut: enterodiol and enterolactone which reduces estrogen levels. As when it comes to hormonal cancers, a high estrogen level can promote their growth. Flax Seeds have been mainly said to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Flax Seeds helps to reduce menopausal symptoms, controlling heavy bledding during mensturation and help with extreme symptoms of PMS as lignans present in them also help to reduce oestrogen levels.
Lignans present in the Flax seeds are anti-oxidants that protect against oxidative damage (i.e. the DNA damage that results from environmental pollution as well as poor-diet). Being an anti-oxidant, Flax Seeds help in maintaining hormone balance, cellular health and for anti-aging.
According to various studies, Flax Seeds are 800 times more rich in lignans as compared to other foods which is why Flax Seeds have been linked to improving cardiovascular health, colon and prostate health, and cancerous tumors.
3) Rich in Dietary Fibre
Flax seeds are made up of 29% carbohydrates, of which 95% is fibre, which makes them a low-carb food. 20 grams of Flax Seeds provide about 6 grams of fibre.
The fibre component consists of:
- 20–40% soluble fiber (mucilage gums)
- 60–80% insoluble fiber (cellulose and lignin)
Flax seeds promotes intenstinal and digestive health. Since they are fibrous, they help to keep your GI tract (Gastrointestinal tract/Digestive tract) healthy.
When Flax Seeds are mix with water, the mucilage gums that are present in soluble fibre becomes very thick. When it gets combined with insoluble fibre, it makes Flax Seeds a natural laxative. Being a natural laxative, Flax Seeds helps to prevent and treat constipation.
Mucilage gums also helps to supress hunger as it makes you feel fuller for a longer time. Weight loss diets generally consists of foods with high fibre, hence Flax Seeds can be an optimal choice. Its also great for Detoxifiaction.
As Flax Seeds are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, they have many benefits. Both the fibres collectively can help to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
There have been many studies that show that Flax Seeds helps in management of diabetes as high fibre food in your diet is a healthy way to control high blood sugar levels.
Regular consumption of Flax seeds may improve insulin sensitivity in glucose intolerant people. It can also improve glycemic control in obese men and women with pre-diabetes.
4) Good source of Other vitamins
Flax Seeds are also a good protein source, but they lack lysine so they have to be paired up with other protein sources rich in lysine like beans and pumpkin seeds in order for one to have a protien rich meal.
Two tablespoons of Flax Seeds can contain 4 grams of protein. The flax protein also helps in supporting immune system. Flax Seeds have anti-inflammatory and laxative effect.
Flax Seeds are also rich in vitamin B. Flax Seeds can be a great substitute for those who rely on Vitamin B supplements. Flax Seeds are also rich in some vitamins and minerals like thiamine, magnesium, copper, potassium, and phosphorus.
Flax seeds are of great value because of its versatility. While Thiamine is essential for normal metabolism and nerve function, copper is important for growth, development, and various bodily functions and phosphrous contributes to bone health and tissue maintenance.
5) Its Gluten free
Flax Seeds are gluten free and very flexible to incorporate in daily diet. As they are naturally gluten free they offer a great dietary option to people who suffer from gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
Gluten free diet is very popular nowadays as low carb diet helps you to reduce weight faster. Many gluten free breads and baked foods contain Flax seeds because of its nutritional value.
Incorporating Flax Seeds in all its forms can help you add variety to your gluten free diet. They are also affordable and easily available. You can add Flax Seeds in your cereal or use its oil in salad dressings.
Although they are tiny, they store abundant goodness in them. The healthiest and the safest way of consuming them is by eating them raw. Make sure you opt for organic Flax seeds in order to gain all the health and nutritional benefits of Flax seeds to the fullest.
Also Read:
Superfood Seeds: How to include them in your diet?
Flax Seed - A Medicinal Food & Their Health Benefits
A List of Super Healthy Seeds You Should Be Eating